Exodus 14:13: "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" ..

Archive for January, 2012


So some friends have quit! Ohh, Yes leaving face book!  It kind of makes me sad…   I joined FB in 2006 so I am an oldie here! I have reconnected with every lost friend; laughed at every joke, found good pediatricians, recipe etc…?  I would still miss the photos of the weddings I missed, how big and cute my friends  and families kids are getting, as well as pictures of new places to visit and things to do, projects for the kids, recipe and parties to throw!

I have contemplated quitting; I totally agree it has many negatives and many positives! The FB thrill is dying off…its one of those ‘places’ that you love but could be annoying, irritating at the same time. Yes, it could be a time waster; it could stir jealously or used to outdo one another if wrongly used.  You just have to make the best out of it…

positives: I live gazillion miles from my original home (Kenya) and have people from all over the world; so I use it to stay in touch with my them; reconnecting with lost ones…. I feel like I am part of their lives somehow.  I still like talking on the phone and meeting for coffee/wine… Actually some of my very good friends, we don’t even communicate thro FB, we talk on the phone or skype.

Positive: The good laughs… I have a lot of funny friends … The cheers and smiles.. uplifting and prayers…

Positive: Encouragements…It doesn’t bother me that friends put only their best faces and NOT dwelling on their hardships or negatives…life is hard, not perfect.  But why dwell on the hard stuff? its uplifting!

Maryellen ( blogging friend) gave me this verse:  “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:7-9

Positive: I can spy on the little ones and my baby sitters and know what is going on in their lives and text their moms if they are off line :)- ( don’t unfriend me my Little ones, I really love you)

Positive: Status updates ~ oh yah, once in a while I am dying to know how the cake you baked turned out… or whats for dinner… or what your cat  is doing – many important stuff  to know ( yaap! cheap thrills – don’t judge me)

Negative:  it does allow me to be so lazy on checking on people! But I’m sure the same thing, could have been said about people who instantly used the telephone when it was invented instead of traveling to visit.

Negative: The stalkers – I know people who check their face book like 3-4 or 10 times a day, they know what is going on but never say anything… no congratulations, no condolences, no compliments, no comments, no updates.. Just pure stalkers ‘peeping Toms”… those scare me!

Negative: Friendships~ Okay, here you go, have you ever had someone ask you to be their friend and when you meet at the store or church they  act like they have never seen you? I am still shaking my head in disbelief 

Negative: Status ~ the mysterious, suspenseful  “It’s going down….” Really what is…? now I have to stalk your status for 20 days to find out what was Ugh! Oh the self promotions – Enough said…

Negative: when you check me into places –well, some days I want to act like I was home “busy” scrubbing the floors and polishing the windows and not having fun somewhere ok! “kidding lol”

Negative: Brags /insensitive/rude people ~ I am glad I don’t have any friends who brag or insensitive  if I had them…any chances are they have been   unfriended already or hidden or something!

Then I think, why put so much thought into this!  The people, who like to connect in person, will continue to do so and those who love online will to the same. As long as people are CONNECTING…….that’s the important thing… right? I know people who when you call them — they respond back with an email… and some people you send them an email and they call you back — so some people are just online communicators .

I know of  the Facebook snobs too– people who have never had an account on Facebook but know 1 million things that are so bad about it and always telling me what is going one over there! anyway Just join it! I know they are missing out on these good laughs!

So my friends what do you LOVE or NOT love about Face book? Do you believe everyone gets what they want to get out of Facebook?

Truth be told.. I am also guilty of some of these negatives :)- How else can I tell the whole world how great I am?… for free? 

2012 – Goals

Okay I am 1 week late with my resolutions — “what is new you are always late 🙂-” my husbands fav quote

Anyway, I have a feeling this is going to be an exciting year 2012… I have exciting plans for my life with God, family, travel and friends.  We celebrated the first day of the year watching the Broncos (loss) game and eating good food at a friend’s house… Just so much fun and laughter!

So far exciting news my brother Poly and my sister in-law had a new baby girl on January 2nd 2012 (now do you see what I mean by an exciting year?) — I am a brand new Aunt! Then my very good friend got engaged in London, so an August wedding! We started the book of revelations last week… we are traveling to see family ~ many exciting things already right?

So, I never do resolutions – do you remember this post, broken resolutions? We just do goals and then at the end of the year just check what goals we met and carry over the unmet goals… I must admit “I” carry over lots of things each year… Plans just change by the minute in this life of mine!! the one goal i keep carrying over and consciously trying to achieve is to only spend the time “free time” allotted to me in a positive way and  to regard disruptions or anger or needy-ness from my surrounding as  part of God’s design on my day…. remembering this verse ~ Philippians 2:14

Hope everyone had a great 2011 with awesome moments despite the up & downs we all go thru’ in life. I wish you a Happy New Year to you and many more of God’s blessings in 2012.

Tthis is my favorite song and I trying to live by its words  taunet nelel by Emmy Kosgei ( i’ts a new dawn).


True words to live by  “It’s a new dawn-It’s a new direction- no turning back! I am doing new things; don’t let the past discourage you…”

Any resolutions for your friends… Please share.