Exodus 14:13: "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still" ..

Posts tagged ‘winners’

It’s the Super Bowl XLIV

I will admit that I thought I could have cared less who won the Super Bowl this year, my favorite teams all went fishing. Well when the game was in progress, I fell on the ‘Geux Saints’ bandwagon. The underdog story. Who Dat! –Well, they won for the first time in the team’s history – sweet!

So my favorite part of Super bowl Sunday is getting together with friends and snacking for four hours – This year we had a sick kid and watched it from underneath our blankets. Also, the super bowl ads (minus those crazy Go daddy), and finally i love the 3rd downs and goals… the adrenaline rush!

“According to the latest reports, 40% of the 100 million viewers tuned in just to watch the ads.” The Ads this year were nothing out of the ordinary for me – It seemed like so many people were half-dressed or something. Furthermore car industries showing off their cars, all I could think of is the Toyota ongoing saga of failing brakes and floor mats getting trapped in the accelerator scary. Also random thought, just wondering who paid the bill for the U.S census commercial ($2.5M); mmm, tax payer’s money?

Well, the most talked about Focus Ad-Tebow and his mom? Crazy how everyone was up and arms about this, what I understand from it is Tebow’s mom had a choice and she made it, deciding not to get an abortion. I am thinking the real test of whether you support the United States Constitution “freedom of speech” is whether you let those people whose opinions differ from your own present their opinions – right?.Well on the bright side at least the Ads were a few steps forward from last years, cash for gold commercials and more go daddy.

I’ll admit, in the afternoon when I sank my hand into a bowl of chips, I was thankful for the excuse to eat junk while watching TV. My son is coming down with a nasty cough so it was a good day to kick back and relax. I’m glad we let ourselves to have it. So I realized in the craziness of life, we need a good excuse to sit down with family and friends and relax – I thank God for the opportunities he provides for me to put my feet up. Spending an afternoon on the ‘couch’ isn’t always a throw away of valuable time. Sometimes it’s a chance to regroup. Even if it involves eating & drinking the ‘wrong’ things like I did, but isn’t that part of the fun or life or both?

So what was your favorite or worst super bowl commercial or what super bowl tradition do you enjoy?